Here is me trying to be alive!

Jan 05, 2009 19:53

Right, so yesterday I said I was going to start posting with some sort of regularity and substance today. Today...I did not go anywhere. It apparently suddenly got icy after the past couple days have been like, 70-80. So I stayed home. Of course, I didn't wake up until almost 2 anyway, which is lame. I am fairly certain cats sleeping on top of me make me even less likely to actually get up. So instead, at some point after my mom left for work, the day was basically spent sitting on the couch watching Avatar. We got about halfway through the second season before my computer started making noise and I retreated to my room...right before that episode I was wanting to watch a while ago. Damn. XD; Oh well. I'll probably finish watching the rest of it this week, and then I'm going to have to go find the third season somewhere, and finally see the end of it, omg.

The holidays have been unremarkable. The usual, sit around the house here, go down to Granbury and sit around the house there. I ended up playing The World Ends With You a lot since there was nothing to do other than watch other people play boring 360 games and I failed at all drawing attempts. I do so hate art ruts. :[ We cut out and came back the day before New Years because mom was going to invite a bunch of people over on New Years Day and that usually means tasty Japanese food, which I keep missing. And it was very tasty and I ate so much I kind of went over to my room and passed out. Which caused me to miss everyone watching Zombie Strippers, but you know what, I am a hundred percent okay with that. :p

Basically I've pretty much wasted my vacation yet again, but hell, who didn't see that coming. I don't even know offhand when school starts up again, I tend to avoid thinking of it. But this week I really do need to look into finding an internet art history class I can take from another school, because UNT is stupid and only offers it every other semester. Ugh. I'm going to end up graduating late because of this shit, I just know it. All because some teacher couldn't do her job properly. But whaaatever!

Tomorrow I need to get out of the house. I need to go get stuff so I can send anime and stuff to meigahime, and I guess I should go to the grocery store because we are almost out of eggs, soysauce, and possibly rice, which let me tell you is serious business in this house. Um, and I keep saying I'm going to take recycling out somewhere because it just keeps piling up and I have to stop mom from just throwing everything away because I'm a tree-hugging hippie. If it's dried up maybe I'll finally see if I can get pictures of all my screenprinting stuff to post, but I'm not counting on that happening.

In the meantime, here's that list thing of stuff I want to do this year, stolen from I don't even know who. A couple people.

1. Stop being a wuss and join a new rp
2. Practice drawing more
3. Have a bunch of stuff done for A-kon
4. Have new cosplays done for A-kon
5. Uh, graduate.
6. Clean my room. A lot.
7. Watch the anime I have sitting around my room
8. Talk to people more
9. Post on LJ at least a couple times a week, omg
10. Getting a job would probably be smart.
11. Acquire an ipod. :[
12. Go somewhere interesting. Like, not Texas.
13. Go see the Tutankhamen exhibit at the DMA
14. Get a...ugh. Xbox 360. So I can play Vesperia and Eternal Sonata and stuff, because CLEARLY the PS2 is just not good enough anymore! WE MUST HAVE ACHIEVEMENTS GUYS!
15. Study Japanese and be able to use it a little. Really this time.

avatar, being lame, holidays, new years, meme

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