Off for holiday something.

Dec 27, 2008 12:41

Apparently going to be in Granbury for the next few days. Don't know how many days that is. Probably should have already left, but ohhh well. Actually dad wanted us to be there yesterday, buuut since we didn't find out about that until the day before we just didn't do it. I wish I had something to work on or do over there when I'm not being sucked into playing Rock Band, but we couldn't find any crochet hooks so my mom could teach me how to make my scarf. :[

I spent like half the day baking yesterday. Three kinds of cookies and a bunch of muffins with varying levels of success. I think I need to find a different pumpkin cookie recipe, because mine came out really squishy. Some of them were even still goopy. D: Don't know what's up with that. I'm not too good at this baking thing.

My brother ended up playing the copy of Chain of Memories he got me more than I did, but that's okay, because I was baking like a mofo. We've decided Marluxia's new name is Cryptic McRoberson and have been making fun of the series terribly the whole time. I don't know why I like Kingdom Hearts so much, because it really is quite ridiculous. And this weird one in the middle is the worst. I'm not sure I ever figured out what the hell is going on here. Uhh, memories in your heart! Find what you lost and lose things to find them! Booo, look at my spooky robe! Watch me disappear and reappear behind you! I'M SO MYSTEEEERIOUS! m_(..)_m It's all in your miiiind! Uh, I mean your heaaaart! BELIEVE IN THE HEART OF THE CARDS! ...oh. Wait. :[

Anyway. I should probably be getting packed and perhaps looking into something to eat that is not cookies. (But these ones are full of oatmeal! That's like breakfast!) I really wish my laptop worked at all, but as it is, it seems I will be completely without any way to communicate for the next...ugh he says he wants us down there for a week. not think I can do that. Well, at least it should be slightly more christmasy than it was up here...though we still haven't really gotten anything for them, because we fail at knowing what they'd like. Maybe we'll stop by Starbucks or something...and I guess I can also bring cookies. Hmm.

I think...there was something else I was going to mention. I wonder what it was. Oh well.

baking, granbury, cookies, kingdom hearts

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