I continue to steal things from
sougo hi. :D
1. Comment with a request to see absolutely anything on my computer. My desktop, my documents, my bookmarks, my latest works in progress, my iTunes. Whatever you're curious about. Request it!
2. I will respond post a new entry with a screenshot of the very thing you request.
Go nuts guys. I am pretty much bored out of my mind and lacking the mental functions to do anything creative tonight. Meant to try some tegaki, but clearly tegaki disagrees. There seems to be pretty much nobody on AIM even among the people I am too shy to talk to in the first place. Also, I can't find my DS games. D: I wanted to replay some Phoenix Wright because of how much I LOVE RON DELITE. T_T
Waah, I really need to just plug in some random movie while I sit here, omg, it's too damn quiet. x__x