Even when I get out of the house, I fail at getting out of the house.

Jul 15, 2008 16:46

Oh hay, I finally have a Reborn icon! It's lame, of course, because I fail at making icons, but there you have it anyway! Also cleaned out a few icons I didn't like and added one I made a while ago, but is completely stupid, obviously I have no icon settings between super lame and super idiotic. But hopefully I will make more to reflect more recent fandoms anyway, since I have 23 empty spots. :p

Today we went to Grapevine for some reason. There was nothing interesting there, of course, we wandered around the mall for a while and the only thing we got were expensive Haagen-Daas frozen espresso whatever things that we couldn't even finish. Also, like half the stores had their power go out so they had to close down...a couple traffic lights were down when we got outside too. We didn't even go into many of the stores we passed because we were doing that paranoid "omg they probably don't want us in there with drinks" thing. Also, malls are boring. :[

I really have no idea what I'm going to do if anybody ever actually comes here to visit, because there is fuck-all nothing to do in Texas. I have this vague idea that there must be something worth doing, but I certainly don't know what it is or how to find out. I don't go clubbing, I don't go drinking, I don't really go shopping at the normal interchangeable and often overpriced clothing stores, I almost never really want to see any of the movies playing at any given time, what the hell do people do other than that?

I hate pads because they feel like wearing diapers and they can get really gross. I hate tampons because I'm always paranoid they won't absorb enough before I get the chance to change them so I'm always worrying about whether or not there's a visible stain on my jeans. (I had a bad experience in high school.) Remember when Always had their "have a happy period" slogan? I am pretty sure it was short-lived, because every woman who saw it was like, "NO, FUCK YOU. >:["

So in other news, I've been randomly trying to study Japanese again...I'm not sure how long this will last though. I found a pretty neat flash card program for my mac that lets you download the cards other people have made. I have a bunch of the vocabulary from the Genki textbook that I never had, but wish I did, because I would have liked to follow the misadventures of Robert and Takeshi or something. And it's got to be better than Nakama. (HELLO SEÑOR GARCIA!) I kind of want a workbook of some kind I can go through and try to do, or some assignments or something. The textbooks I have are pretty useless in that regard because most everything is WORK WITH A PARTNER! or CLASS ACTIVIY! or something like that. But I guess for now I'm going to try to get some vocabulary down, because I think that's one of my biggest problems with this stupid language. I really want to be able to use it someday though!

Also for lack of anything better, since I completely fail at finding new books to read because I don't know what I'm looking for, I started re-reading Titus Groan. I should see if I can find the rest of that series, too. But I seriously need to read more, I think my brain might actually be suffering from lack of stimulation. Also, my writing sucks. x_x

But right, off to studying, I guess?

books, i fail, tmi, japanese, writing, icon

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