Stlil preparing! Really this time!

May 23, 2008 19:37

So I'm actually productive today!

I finally finished this one that somebody commissioned:

And I also started and finished these two:

I'm still working on salvaging the other one I started, and I have one more blank one I haven't decided what to do with yet. But that is 90$ worth of whoring right there, plus the two other ones I have. I really hope people buy them. D: I guess if they don't I could always try e-bay but wah, that is rather intimidating somehow.

In other news omg I cannot believe it's already a week to A-kon. I am all kinds of afraid I won't be ready, but I guess that's every year. I'm also kind of sad I don't have people to hang out and fangirl with, but that's every year too. Will I see anyone I know? D:

Also, my tablemate and I definitely should not have been up until 6 last night discussing last-minute cosplay. wtf we are stupid. And yet!

In the meantime, this weekend is lonely and depressing. Everybody is gonnnne. Boo.

pic spam, art, weekends suck, lonely, a-kon, cosplay

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