Looks like I shouldn't be in this class after all.

Apr 26, 2008 16:23

Wow. Somehow, I hate this class now that we're talking about anime. I need to somehow find something scholarly to read about to post and write an essay about, because this book I got from the library is obtuse enough to literally give me a headache. Maybe that headache is more a result of how frustrated I get when I'm too stupid to understand what I'm reading, but still. It's stupid, but I really feel like crying right now. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do, and I really wanted to get this shit done today. I hate symbolism, both real and imagined by people who have nothing better to do than read sexual undertones into every goddamn thing.

The moral of this story is not to fall into the trap that convinces you a class about anime would be cool unless you really can at least bullshit about reading nonsense into innocuous subjects. What's that, textbook? The blood around San's mouth in Princess Mononoke is representative of menstrual blood? I really needed that association, thank you so fucking much.

Well, looks like I'm off to scour the internet for something that I can actually use. This is why I am not an acedemics major. I am pretty sure the amount of work like this we have to do in this class is comparatively pretty light. If I had to write even four page essays or a huge thesis or whatever, I might kill myself.

frustration, i'm stupid, arrrgh, i suck, history, anime

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