Umm who, me?

Mar 03, 2008 19:40

Um, so this random person IMs me out of nowhere fishing for artists for a game he's making, apparently looking through facebook for comm design students. He gives me this spiel about androids and stuff, and apparently he wants...3d modeling people? Which I'm totally not, but okay. He like, offered to get me the software for maya or whatever so I guess I could teach myself or sommmething, but omg why would you ask someone to do this when they have no experience whatsoever with this stuff? But he even sent me a huge pdf of a kind of intro book to the program, which I guess is neat, but omggg. Wouldn't you normally want somebody who y'know, has experience with 3d modeling to do 3d modeling for your game rather than try to convince an illustrator to try to learn 3d modeling so she can help you? I dunnooo, it seems kind of weird to me. And honestly? 3d modeling scares me. It's like this weird unknown medium that's so full of potential disaster and frustration. I really don't know what to do, I feel like I should make some attempt at this, since I'm obviously not going to be taking any classes in it because I can't afford to go to school any longer, but omg. I really don't think this is something I can do well. Arrgh.

...and omg I had to download some stupid plug-in to get some video I wasn't even really all that interested in watching to load and it crashed firefox, and I was drawing something on tegaki e, which I'm pretty sure I do not have the patience to start over. Sigh. Whyyy am I even listening to all this, I am so obviously not what this person is looking for! And why is there a fucking yahoo toolbar on my firefox, I don't even use yahoo, I need to figure out how to make it go away now. THERE. DIE.

Umm, anyway, I'm pretty sure I should have something better to say than rambling about how much I'm not a game artist, since I'm y'know, an illustrator, but I think it would require a different post at this point, so I'm gonna go off and maybe work on my whorish flaming bookmarks and watch episode 72 of D.Gray-man, which I'm told features Rabi's ass quite prominently.

Maaan, I still need to renew my icons. Booo. :[

Damn, I'm sleepy. Probably has something to do with staying up until about 3 last night. Ohhh wellll.

3d modeling, rabi's ass, game artist, um what?, d.gray anime, wtf

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