Jul 21, 2007 01:00

So, let's talk about how much I don't care about Harry Potter! :D Honestly, I've been so very over it for a while. Like, um, since she killed off Sirius with a drape. After hearing about the exciting epilogue in which we learn things like who marries who and what they name their children, I find myself even less interested in the adventures of Emo Potter and his pansy-ass friends. Actually, that epilogue bit just reminds me of Digimon. The end of season two, where evil is defeated and years later cracktastic things happen like Tai being a diplomat and Matt abandoning the glamour of rock and roll to become an ASTRONAUT! Also, Ken and Yolei? Seriously, where the hell did that come from? ...and crap, thinking about Digimon now reminds me of D.Gray-man, and I'm sad about that. GODDAMMIT, TIKIMON! Lapping Rabi's blood off your hands would be much sexier if you hadn't DIGIVOLVED! XO

BUT RIGHT, this is supposed to be about Harry Potter. And how I don't care. Which is funny, if you know how obsessed I used to be with the series. I'll come out right now. I, too, had a Slytherin bitch of a Mary-Sue. It's just that I don't write fanfic, so nobody else had to be exposed to that. But so what. Who cares? I don't even know if I want to read the thing ever, honestly. I mean, cripes, first she kills off my third favorite character in the most stupid way imaginable, then she gets my favorite mauled by a werewolf and engaged to that veela bitch? And omg what was up with that ridiculously cheesy Harry/Ginny bit? "Let's go out, but first I must go and defeat my arch-nemesis." "Okle dokle." PLEASE. I dunno, maybe I'll read it eventually, if it ends up in our house. But right now I'm still more interested in replacing that copy of American Gods that was destroyed by hell hounds and rain. I'm sure there are some other books I should look into as well. I know I don't read nearly as much as I should. Or I could get back into gaming. If I could just START playing Suikoden V again, I'm sure I'd be hooked no problem, dammit.

This post is basically brought to you by the fact that a while ago my mom called to ask if I wanted to go to Kroger at midnight to pick up a book, to which I of course said no. Apparently it's a big enough deal that grocery stores are getting into this stay open past midnight thing? Are people dressing up in graduation robes and scarves to go there as well? Wouldn't surprise me. I guess some people are still pretty into it for some reason, but for me, at least, a lot of the appeal died, and I don't think it's just because of the characters that did.

I do kind of want one of the magical raver sticks they're giving out at Borders with the thing though. I think it would match my light saber spoons wonderfully. :D

harry potter, everyone must post about this, lol fandom, so over that, apathy

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