Raaaarrrr, Monday!

May 01, 2007 00:19

omg I spent over 50$ today, most of it at the fabric store. I guess I should get on that learning to sew thing stat! Well, after school's done and all that, I guess. But seriously. It was at Hancock, and they're going out of business so everything was on sale and there were such neat prints and D:

And now it's after midnight, omfg how did that happen? We seriously didn't get home until almost 8 somehow, and then there were bursts of playing Justice for All and napping in the living room and then a bunch more Justice for All! PRODUCTIVITY, WHAT IS THAT? Man, I seriously need to bust my ass tomorrow. Let's see if that happens! :D

Also, this flash webpage? Due in a WEEK. How that is going to happen, I do not know! But I'm told that somebody in another class is doing theirs mostly in css, so I think I am going to try to do that, because omg I love the idea of css and it's so much nicer and updatable than stupid flash. I might have to make some flash thing, but I think that is likely to be an opening animation about how much flash sucks! :D

ALSO it is for some reason necessary to post this picture that happened during Japanese class today!

...that temptation to add things was far greater than it had any right to be. >__> He was SUPPOSED to be clothed, I swear! I really will put clothes on him later, unlike what happened to Rabi and Kanda that other time unless an equally naked Komui is hanging around somewhere in the vicinity WHICH HE'S NOT! omg I don't know what I've been on all day. Sleep deprivation, most likely.

OKAY I'm going to get back to whatever the hell it was I was doing, which is probably wasting time because I'm awesome like that and I don't think anything school related is happening tonight unless I get inspired enough to work on a webpage. It could happen, you never know! But honestly I should possibly just go to sleep so I can get up in the morning (Ha! Ha! Ha!) and get straight to work on exciting revisions for comm design whee!

Yeah that's not going to happen. It's iced tea time! *whooosh!*

fabric shopping, i'm going to be poor forever, naked australians, flash sucks, art spam, i am apparently completely insane

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