Arrrrgh what is wrong with me? T__T

Feb 22, 2007 17:34

So, you people know I don't really hate you, right? ;__;

omg I don't understand how it is already like 5:30 and I've barely gotten anything productive done today. Okay, we went to the grocery store and also to pay the water bill, and I did dishes and cleaned the kitchen a little! BUT there's this thing called publication design homework that I've got almost nothing done on, and I'm not sure what to do about it.

This morning was spent watching Gokusen on youtube. wtf is up with that? I don't watch J-dramas. D: But Tracie sent me a link at some point and I was distractable from my real work. I possibly should have gone with her to Clampitt today to look at paper since we're supposed to have some next Friday, but I was lazy and I figured I wouldn't know what I was looking for this early anyway. But after we left the grocery store I actually felt like going other places, but I didn't, and we just came back home, where I did dishes, cleaned a counter, and bleached out half of the sink. I'm kind of tempted to go back to that sort of productivity, but I should seriously do my work. Even though I'm not sure exactly what is expected, as usual. I did try to be productive! I was looking through vintage movie posters for visual resources for a while, but honestly I ended up being distracted by how amusing they were and only found a couple I thought would be useful.

What I'm supposed to be doing now is writing up my annual report concept and coming up with clever titles for the sections, but I think it's going to end up a lot more disjointed than it should because I suck like that. And I am antsy because I want to talk to people, but people are not around, so I'm just sitting here staring at my work and wondering where everybody's off to. x__x

I still kind of want to go clean instead! D:

comm design, slacking

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