Yep, still sucks! :D

Feb 13, 2007 21:14


I kept falling asleep for a while. T_T That sucks, because now I'm not going to be able to when I need to, probably. Well, at least I don't have my 8AM class for the rest of the week, but my brother has one at 9 so I only get one extra hour instead of 2. And Friday I don't have class at all until 2, but I'll still have to get up at 7! Not fair!

Still not happy with this anime thing, kthnx. I really can't bring myself to watch 18 again now that I have subtitles. My brain has only just mostly recovered from watching it the first time, I don't know if I could take it again. I find I don't really care that much what exactly people are saying. The plot is obvious and idiotic, I don't really need to know the details.

Also, bittorrent is ridiculously slow. It ran pretty much all day and only got to 70 something percent of 19 downloaded until about an hour ago when I decided to just screw it and go for the direct download. Which I just finished watching and now there's a torrent of subbed? Damn. I can bring myself to watch that again, even though it, predictably, was all messed up. The mystery is solved though. They made Eliade put out his eye. In a random midnight akuma attack that Rabi and Bookman magically appeared in the middle of. omg it just felt all wrong, seriously. The whole time it's just like, "No, no, no, okay, that looks familiar, no, no, omg what are you doing?" Arrrgh. Well, I guess I should just be happy they've stopped the filler. But I can't help but wonder how long that'll last. Sigh. WANT TIKI. T_T

Oh right, I have Japanese homework that was due yesterday to do. omg I hate these stupid journal things, I keep forgetting about them. -_- I guess I'll go bs that and possibly get back to drawing porn. Um. I mean. Doing productive things that are most definitely school-related. Yep.

Man, I miss people. ;__; I want people to steal, dammit. D:

naps suck, dgm anime, plot again?

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