Still sick!

Dec 10, 2006 22:25

Let's talk about how taking a nap for the past two or three hours was not smart, as I really should have been preparing for the Japanese final that happens at 10:30 tomorrow. :D

...also about how I just broke the shelf on my desk by pushing against it with my feet. If there hadn't been a ton of books and crap on the shelf under it I'm sure there would be even more chaos than usual going on here.

Anyway, right. So the teacher gave us two terrible terrible prompts for our essay question tomorrow, and we are meant to write something for them before hand, write it again during the test without being able to look at it, and then turn both of those in. What the fuck. I suppose I wouldn't mind so much if the prompts were not extremely uninteresting, but then it wouldn't be Takeuchi's class, now, would it? I am just about thrilled that after about noon tomorrow, I will be done with her and done with Nakama forever! I think Hardt is teaching my last semester of Japanese, and I will actually be thrilled to have her back.

I like how even though it is now broken from such abuse, I still deem it necessary to use this shelf as a footrest.

Now we're going to talk about how much I hate Dallas. I wouldn't mind Dallas half as much if it weren't for DRIVING in Dallas. I'll bet I'd love to hang out in Dallas if I were with somebody else and that somebody else knew what the hell they were doing. Today some genius thought it would be a good idea to run a marathon through downtown, causing several roads to be blocked off to make room for a bunch of crazy people to run around in the cold, and redirecting traffic all over hell and back so if you don't know the area and have a bad sense of directions in the first place, you end up completely lost and end up panicking and crying because you have no bloody clue where you are and were supposed to be somewhere for a photoshoot about an hour and a half ago, eventually having to find a parking lot to sit in so other people could come and find you to lead you back to where you were supposed to be two hours ago now. Embittered bitch that I am, I found myself happy when it started to rain, and also hoping at least some of the marathon people caught colds from it. So, yeah. Fuck Dallas.

Supposedly I'm going to have a part time internship next semester that is highly likely to be somewhere in Dallas. I am screwed.

I still feel kind of like crap. And I really really should work on Japanese like, NOW and not stop until my exam or I pass out, whichever comes first, but I'm pretty sure attempted drawing is what is going to happen instead. Why am I such an idiot? Seriously, I don't know what is wrong with me. My priorities are permanently faulty.

Also, I randomly wish I had some ginger. I'm going to try to eat actual breakfast tomorrow so I can go get some sushi for lunch, I think. Celebratory "screw you, Takeuchi!" sushi. Haha.

Ah, fuck, still have to finish these damn advertisements. Haaate.

getting lost, japanese, dallas, slacking

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