夏休みぜんぜん勉強しなかった。 悪いだね。

Sep 07, 2006 18:33

Umhmm...looks like getting back into knowing what the hell is going on in Japanese is going to take a lot of work. I really doubt I'll ever be able to actually speak it, though. It takes me too long to figure things out. I think I can figure things out in writing, given time, but if asked something in Japanese there's a bit of "Uhhhhh" as I figure out what the question was, and even more "Ummmmmmmdurrr" as I try to work out how to answer it. :D; *fails*

Maybe I should watch more anime. Ahaha. As if I had time for that. I kind of wish I'd tried harder to go to Kansai instead of just giving up, but I'm pretty sure if I was over there, there would be panic attacks like, daily. And I have no idea how other classes work, especially for something like upper level comm design, so.

Hopefully I can figure stuff out better by going back and making decent notes about all the grammar points and making up sentences to go with them. Two of the ones for this first bit seem to be 「私葉ポチにリボンをやりました。」 and 「ラビは神田から青いクッキーをもらいました。」 I'm pretty sure I lose.

Aaand for some reason my computer freaked out, and I can no longer pull up my language changing thing, so LJ is stuck in Japanese. >_> What I am doing now is typing things in AIM and cut and pasting it over here, omgwtf. XD;; I guess that is a clue to stop typing stupid posts and get back to my homework. :D;

Watch me not.


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