Grr. Arrgh.

Jul 10, 2006 12:16

MARLUXIA IS A WHORE. omg I'm never going to finish Chain of Memories. T_T Stupid gay mecha. D:

Also, where is everybody? D: omg things are very distressing. I want to steal people, dammit.

I thought about going out and about today, maybe pick up some more fabric, but I want to get this whole bank issue sorted out first. I guess I will e-mail my dad about it later.

And why is it every once in a while, I get the urge to draw something I KNOW I do not have the ability to draw? Sydney Losstarot and a dragon? omg! What was I thinking? This picture will never get finished! What with the DRAGON and the COMPLICATED METAL ARMS that it's impossible to even find a decent reference for. Yeeks.

My jacket is at a standstill because I need some interfacing. I did eventually manage to put the sleeves on, though. I need to figure out what sort of expensive fabric I need to find to make cosplay. I have no idea what to even look for, and I'm not sure I want to just go with vinyl. I think I'm going to make a sleeveless Chinese-ish shirt thing, since I have so much of that red fabric. And I guess I need to figure out how to make pants. And I think I'm going to make that dress as well. And there should not be temptation to attempt child!Rinali clothes, because omgwhy. I don't even like her that much. So, I'm not doing it. >_> Ahahaha. omg wtf is wrong with me? Perhaps all this would be more justified if I went to more than one con a year. Although I think I am going to see if anybody I know is going to Anime Fest. I wonder if I can possibly get a table there. I wouldn't want to have one alone, though. Grargh.

I wish I could make jewelry, randomly. I could possibly design something really nerdy. Um, that's about all on that tangent.

Agh, why is it so EMPTY? T__T Right, I guess I'll go try to beat up stupid Marluxia again. Hopefully somebody will show up and rescue me soonish.

chain of memories, sewing, i can't draw this

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