
Jun 01, 2006 12:01 I guess I'm supposed to do an after con post, or something...but it seems like pretty much everything has been covered by the rest of everyone. I'd tell you to go see their entries, but if you haven't already you can't, as they seem to lock them all. And I don't want to post a bunch of pictures because they'll be the same ones, since I didn't take any of my own. Whatever, non RP people kind of miss out.

My first AA table experience was, as predicted, kind of miserable. On top of all the bullshit staff gave us, I had a grand total of 2 commissions and sold 3 prints, one of which was to stupidfox because whoever she got to draw a commission of one of the characters got some tape on it. So...I made about 45$ Canadian the whole time, which I'm pretty sure is a little pathetic.

Coming back was really distressing. I miss everybody lots. But worse than that, I got to come back to the news that Orbit got really sick and had to be put down while I was gone, which is pretty much incomprehensible because he was just fine when I left. I cried the entire time after mom left for work tuesday. I don't know what the hell is wrong with going to cons, because one of the dogs at dad's house that didn't suck died during Akon last year.

I also got to come back to a disaster in the kitchen. It's really ridiculous, and sometime it seems like if my brother and I ever do move out, this house is going to be absolutely unbearable because my mother does not clean things up when she's the only one in the house. And that is why there are six million fruit flies in all the random food that was left out. She spraid ant Raid around over everything, so there are quite a few dead insects in the kitchen, and EVERYTHING will now have to be washed. I had potato chips for dinner last night because the kitchen was so disgusting and I did not want to deal with it. I predict that I still will not want to deal with it today, and that my brother and I are going to be the ones who will have to clean up all this crap we had nothing to do with because mom will just go straight to work.

Geh, I feel so bitchy, I'm doing nothing but complaining. It was really lots of fun, despite me being a fucking loser and freaking out during dinner Saturday for no good reason, and I'm still really sad that we got dragged away a full DAY early to go to a completely pointless and absolutely dull and uncomfortable BASEBALL GAME, during which it was hotter in Michigan than in Texas, wtf, but it's not like I can do anything about that, I'm just bitter. And hungry. And in no way interested in venturing into the kitchen to rectify that.

I am now going to stop writing this and maybe eat some more potato chips or something. I am having lots of RP withdrawal still, but I guess I just sit around waiting for something to happen to fix that. I feel worse than usual about poking people now, so I'm going to continue not doing it. But right. Some sort of meager food might be good and possibly put me in a not so shitty mood.

an aa is full of douche, foiled plans, anime north, con report, kitchen disaster, wtf mom

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