Failure again.

May 08, 2006 06:59

Ooh, that assumption that I will be decently fed for that exam? Also not happening. Boy it's a good thing I sleep until thirty minutes before I have to leave and then take up that time with showering so no eating is possible!

Can things stop sucking yet? Please? >_>

Ah shit, I forgot I dripped hot glue on this skirt. Sigh. -_-

...oh, is it storming again, too? I really must have angered the gods this time, huh?

Also? Should have left about ten minutes ago. Yayyyy.

Edit: Well...that was less painful than expected. >_> Of course, vocabulary still kicked my ass. -_-
omg I'm starving. No food until I get back home, though. x__x And I reeeally hope there's any chance of finding some distraction there, too.

no food, japanese, exams

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