Meh. Just meh.

Apr 10, 2006 06:45

Hmm. Muses should not be talking in my head. Especially if one of them has an Aussie accent. >_>

I really wish doom would quit impending. I spent the weekend not doing anything for graphic design because I'm stupid. We're supposed to be working on the backs of our movie posters, which are supposed to match the fronts, and I don't know how that works out if we haven't finished the fronts yet. Also, Jack is currently in possession of all our sketches of said fronts. So...yeah. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure I need InDesign to do this project, which I don't have, and never really learned to use properly anyway, because my computers in art teacher was a flake. Sigh.

In other news that isn't news, I really really REALLY want some cushioning for my non-bed. Having to sleep on a plank every night is starting to get to me. It takes me forever to fall asleep as it is, add a very uncomfortable hard surface to that and I wouldn't be surprised if I lose almost half of the sleep I could potentially get. Hell, I should just drag my pillows and stuff down to the floor and see if that's any better. The floor, by the way, has not been vaccumed since we moved here since our vaccum is non-functioning.

How unfortunate that none of these problems are liable to get fixed anytime soon, due to the fact that we are goddamn broke. Every time stuff like this piles up, I can't help but think about that Lexxus bitch, who took four hundred fucking dollars from us so she could fix her barely scratched bumper. I still can't understand how there is possibly ANY WAY that amount of damage could have cost four hundred dollars. I really REALLY want her car to be keyed. *still a vindictive bitch, yep*

Igh. I don't want to go to school today. I'm going through another phase of apathy towards college, and I'm starting to think when I fail the portfolio review, I should just drop out and see if I can SOMEHOW find a job that's a little better than retail. Not. Bloody. Likely.

Right, I'm gonna go before I start elaborating on things that nobody wants me to elaborate on. This was not supposed to be a depressing post, really. -_- Mmm, going to be a long day, I can tell already. I wonder if something more pleasant will await me when I get home, though. *not optimistic*

not a bed, go away river, muses, whining

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