Aug 07, 2008 23:51
Why do people in movie audiences act like jackass thunder-cunts? I get SO pissed off when I go to see a movie and people act like assholes. Talking, texting, being fucking idiots. If you want to talk to someone, why the fuck did you come to a MOVIE?
One of the theatres here was playing Jaws. JAWS! This is one of my all time favorite movies and the thought of seeing it on the big screen......!!! Joy! I was SO excited. Tonight was the last showing and the sis I drove out there to see it. It was SO AWFUL. The people in front of us were talking...loudly, and the one chick would not stop texting, her damn phone lit up the place. Numerous people kept sshh-ing them, and telling her to close her phone.... Bitch ignored us all. So, I went and got the manager. He came in and told her TWICE to put her phone away and that people were complaining.... And as soon as he left, that fucking phone was out again and she was talking all loud. I wanted to punch through her skull.
Why are people so fucking inconsiderate? Seriously. You know that during a movie you are supposed to be quiet....and turn off your god-damn phone. How fucking cool are you that you can't go an hour or two without sending a text? And WHY do you pay to go to a movie if you can't shut the fuck up? If you want to talk so desperately, go OUTSIDE.
Thank you for ruining Jaws for me, you inconsiderate, fuck-stick. I hope you contract a blistering case of herpes.