So I decided to make a ChipIn page for Fenrir. You can access that here: For those not in the know, there’s a general explanation on the actual page but my dog has pretty much landed me in debt over the last two years. I don’t regret this in the least because I view my pets as my family and as a responsibility that you don’t just get rid of or put to sleep because of money. He’s my buddy even if he’s a crazy dog and he loves me so much that I had to help him not be in pain.
Several thousands of dollars later, I’m still stuck with the bills of now one emergency vet visit and two major knee surgeries.
I will pay this off. I will do it all by myself if I have to. If anyone can spare a dollar or two, it would be wonderful. If not, I appreciate your even looking or considering. If anybody wants scans/photos of the vet documents for his legs, I would be happy to provide - I believe I even have photos of his leg after surgery, as well. I’m definitely not trying to screw anyone out of money. He is most definitely my eight thousand dollar pound puppy. LOL
Spreading of the world would be greatly appreciated. :)