Jan 10, 2012 18:53
As an update, I went to my own doctor and was prescribed stronger medicine. That finally worked. I still have a teeny bit of a cough but overall I'm probably about 97%. So nice to be able to breathe through my nose LOL and hear.
In other news, the new season of Natsume Yuujinchou is out! I know I've spoken about this series before but if you're not watching it, you really should be. It is one of the most beautifully crafted series ever. Yes, it has its issues. It can fall into the "monster of the week" category at times. Yet at the same time each "monster of the week" is still touched on in a new way and lovingly given time. I will not lie when I say I cry about once every other episode. It touches me. Maybe because one of the series main themes is loneliness and being afraid to reach out and touch other people.
Um, not much else to talk about. Work is work, but at least my issue with attendance points is squared away and I'm at eight. That means if a position opens up I can apply. Hooray!