A Multitude of Sins

Nov 04, 2009 13:26

Well, just unrelated things really.

1.  After spending the morning feeling a bit unwell, headachy with tummy cramps, it finally dawned on me why and I took my medication.  Der.  And then it dawned on me that as of yesterday, this has been happening for 31 years, regular as clockwork, so you'd think I'd have figured it out by now.  Apparently I'm not that clever.  This may be why I usually have to be hit over the head with spectacular pain, since I fail to notice anything less obvious.  I'm hoping that today's mildish symptoms may herald the beginning of the end, but I doubt that I'm that lucky.

2. I've stuffed up by leaving it too late to organise crash space for the weekend.  Actually, I didn't, I just haven't received a response to an earler request, and the later one is full.  But the problem remains and I'm now looking for space for two people.  If any of my Canberra readers has space for Saturday night I'd be grateful.

3. Community service announcement 1 - avoiding the 'ladder problem' when knitting on double pointed needles (since this topic has come up a couple of times recently): The reason there's a ladder is that you're making the stitch longer as you go round two needles at the changeover point.  Trying to make the stitch tighter as you do it doesn't help.  The solution is to knit the stitch as normal and then pull it tight after you've knitted it and before you knit the next stitch.  Hope that helps.

4. Community service announcement 2. My local suburb is holding free shopping week, also known as the Council's hard rubbish collection.
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