Sep 13, 2009 21:12
Ok so Afest is over . . . I have to finish uploading later
I loved being Squall again I had forgotten how much I love it. ( it was the first cosplay I did for myself)
Kuma was comfy but dull.
Veld I wore but never got good shots of
Also did Fukoru for Arei and Charli (stupid spirit gum zipper)
Got to hang out with people I havn't seen in a while, Ian Holly Nessa Janet Yuki Adrianne Ryuichi and Kaiba
Afest was fun if not a bit dull, I may volunteer in the future if I have nothing better to do.
So . . .next up that I need to start on is Dissida Zidane
Im nervous about doing not so much being Zidane but If I do it at Akon, Janet may be in her Dissida Kuja . . and I guess Im afraid that I wont be up to the same standard she is.
She is good . . . and I mean good .. .
I'm nervous about being next to her in picutres. . .
So . . . Im gonna use spare fabrics I have for the pants and vest mock ups, if I have enough i will do the boot mock ups as well
That will all take place in the next two to 3 weeks
Once I have the parts in the right places i can go by the expensive fabric for the real thing.
I want to get my parents to order germany but . . . after that really huge gathering at Afest I may for go it. I was kinda repulsed a bit by the "fan service" at the Hetalia shoot I can go with out a America England make out session . . . Seriously . . .
I'll talk about with friend and see what is up . . if I want to go ahead and do germany or not