being so successful with last year's resolutions [keeping all except 2 - that is moving to nyc and drawing everyday] that i've decided to push myself even further in 2012. there's a lot of eschatological clap trap floating around about 2012, so i've set the bar high - for myself and especially for the doomsdayers. if you're going to expect the apocalypse, i'm going to want to see a lot of the typical 'get busy living' action. extreme zaniness. real go-getters. carpe diem.
so instead of the usual retrospective that i do, here's a look forward - a toast to opportunity!
- read 70 books [including infinite jest and tale of two cities to justify my reality tv addiction]
- participate in 4 shows
- win my k1 and mixed k2 races in halifax [this is going to be extremely difficult but with the right training i think i stand a good chance of achieving this]
- travel the american desert, GO TO UTAH <3 !!
- have the most kickass gardens and get the ducks going
- get my license and for the love of god don't cause an accident
- learn to tat lace
- apply / study for chaplaincy certificate
- finish my tarot deck + get it printing
- stay on top of my liberal arts and history buffness