Nov 06, 2007 01:08

So humans vs Zombies has pretty much come to a close. I had an awesome time, though wish i had lived a little bit longer. Definitely the engaging albeit campy plot helped really tie the game together. I lasted 2 days as a human, which is almost surprising considering the second night i got black out drunk and wandered around campus with my giant Nerf gun and all and didn't get tagged. Although the following morning i unluckily got tagged while walking down the street on the way to campus. Saturday night as a zombie was just as much fun if not more so than being a human although i ended up hurting myself pretty bad. Took a small jump off a ledge and did not see the divit in the grass, all my weight came down on my ankle at an unexpected angle and I collapsed to the ground in horrible pain. My foot had bent to a degree that it isn't supposed to and oddly enough in the split second that it happened i recall getting a sort of cut scene visual of my own imagination of what happened. As if my brain had to draw me a picture to tell me, "Yeah, it's that bad." All of this being said, i still managed to limp around some more that night, play some halo, drive home, etc. When I woke up Sunday morning I got about three steps before have to rest i was in so much pain. I spent the day icing my ankle. By the evening it was actually feeling better, though i figured driving on to campus, parking, walking to the dining hall, walking around the dining hall to collect whatever i deemed edible that night, would take altogether too much walking. So I went out for Chinese food. Anyway grease and MSG had a way of putting me to sleep. Today I actually made it to my first class although walking more than a minute or so definitely hurts a ton. Now it is still swollen though almost completely painless. Not really sure what to do with it, guess i'll keep icing it and hope one of the myriad bones in my ankle isn't broken.
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