Jun 12, 2006 08:41
The Queen's Birthday is a time for celebration. Mostly its for those who have a day off for a birthday that happened a month or two ago. But for the gay community the word "queen" seems enough for a few puns and a few big events. With well-planned outfits, a determination to dance all night and hundreds of dollars of drugs, we all headed over to Super Fagtag for a bender that will never be forgotten..
Saturday came and upon waking it was the first thing that entered my mind - Super Fagtag is tonight! Throughout the day we watched the clock and sat out the front chain-smoking countless times, just to pass the time. I was called into work early, and for the entire time seemed really high. Customers acted strangely toward me, but I was in too good of a mood to care. I didn't know whether it was my anticipation or a sip from drug-addled Zoe's drink, but being that crazily happy and speedy seemed better than the rest of the staff who had been pinging all night and then spent the morning smoking bongs at Zoe's place.
I managed to get out of work early, so at 10pm I dashed out of work and met Christian. We headed home and had a drink with Mario, Sarah, Mike and Isobel and at midnight we all clambered into taxis and headed over to the Entertainment Center for the big event..
The whole night is a blur.. Great music was played everywhere - from camp house anthems and quasi-trance in the main arena to bangang dj sets and Annie performing live in the smaller electro room. We split up and met up countless times, having conversations at a million miles an hour out in the smoking area and meeting just as fucked strangers who were always obliging to chat - especially the guy who solved our crane mystery (night cranes and helicopters!!). We took off our shoes and slid around the reasonably empty electro room and had sublime times out on the main dancefloor where looking around, seeing all the smiling, dancing (smacked out) people and hearing blissful music seemed like the best moment in your life.
Mario tried his first pills and absolutely loved it. He was the most complimentary and chatty piller I've ever met - constantly appraising you for this or that or saying he'd always be there to defend you if you were ever discriminated against. He'd stop you on the dancefloor to tell you he loved you and stayed high for pretty much the entire time. Christian was gorgeous and smacked out, Sarah hurried around dancing and chatting, Isobel and Mike danced and watched the lights and I had one of the best times I've had for months.
We headed home around 6am and sat around reading Cleo and doing lines of base. After two hours of surreal conversations we headed up to Oxford St for the afterparty at Arq. It was pretty quiet, and so I was quite disappointed - and here's where it all went wrong. Countless lines of base and two different kinds of pills later I was prangled.. All I wanted to do was sit on the couch with Christian in my own little world - until one line of base tipped me over the edge and the "are you alright?"s started. I ran outside with pins and needles all through my body, incredible nausea and a constant feeling that I was about to pass out. Christian, Sarah and Mario followed and so wonderfully looked after me, while I threw up.. Yep folks, it doesn't get much trashier than vomitting from too many drugs at 10am in Taylor Square..
I felt immediately better, however, and after a couple of drinks with everyone at Kinselas and the Oxford I headed home to bed. Everything was fucked - from my vision to my empty head. I stayed awake for hours talking to Christian and after sleeping all afternoon we had a really sweet evening of McDonalds, candlelit baths and comedown sex.
So yes, one might say it was my trashiest night ever. It was a lot of fun, and while I don't regret anything I have learned a lot.. Like maybe entering Arq at 8am isnt wise? And maybe drugs aren't that great? Its a shame these obvious lessons had to be learnt the hard way. Meanwhile, Sarah suggested going back to Arq come nighttime.
We all just sort of glared, and got back to our comedown.