Mar 09, 2014 22:19
The time change didn't affect me, really. Probably because of the drugs I've been taking for my injured back. injured your back *gasp* But you never told us! Well, I did..and it started like this *enters the REAL Way-Back Machine, not that silly movie imitation (which I' NOT going to see)*
It all started about 3 weeks ago, the Monday before Furry Fiesta. I turned over around 4 AM to look at the clock, saw it was early, and went back to sleep for another hour n a half. When the alarm went off, I tried getting up, and couldn't. I was in screaming pain. If i was at the Dr. I woulda told him 8.5 outta 10 (the Russian Judge: damn you! *shakes fist at*) I tried to walk to the bathroom, and barely made it, to get to the ibuprofen, then decided a hot bath would help. 45 min later, I got out, and was feeling only slightly better. So, I gritted my teeth, got dressed, and drove to work, again thinking (this may have been the total problem altogether) the drive would help.
Got to work, and left an hour later...I couldn't do anything useful. Went home, found the heating pad, and watched horribly TV for hours on end, only getting up to pee or take more ibuprofen (hopefully at the same time). I was holding onto the walls as I was walking because it hurt so much. Went to sleep with another belly fill of pills, and the heating pad on me, and hoped for the best.
The next morning, I felt many times better, so I went to work. By the end of the day, it had felt even better. So I had no qualms about going to TFF, except I kinda dreaded the drive to Indy, and the 2 1/2 hour flight to DFW. Neither, as it turned out, was a factor. However, I restricted my fursuiting events to not playing in the games, and only to the Pinata bash and dodge ball (yeah..what the hell was I thinking?) I actually hurt myself on the pinata on the first swing, but I did beat the shit out of it on the 2nd...hehe..I heard candy peppering all over the place, and probably got some of the staff too xD. I walked out of there, tho, and went into the next event, which was just a couple of panels...yay..sit down time. The rest of the con was basically the same, easy suiting, pain in the morning, less pain by the end of the day, and lots of pills. I did stop taking the ibuprofen by Sat night, because it wasn't really helping.
After the vacation, I kept on trying to work it out, and finally, since it had been over a week, tried to get in touch with my Dr. "Oh, but you haven't seen him for 10 years? tsk..tsk. We require you to visit him at least every 3 years, or we'll drop you." Oh good...nothing like being penalized for BEING HEALTHY!!! :P I asked to get back on his schedule (I really like him), and the next day, I asked again, but he didn't have an opening for a week, but that I could use the walk-in clinic. With no other choice, I took that, I really didn't want to, since I was afraid they'd just say "Back some pills", but they actually took X-rays of my back. Joy! :) And I got an appointment with my Dr.
I got to see him last Thursday, and he went over what had happened, He said there was some signs of degeneration of the lower back from arthritis, and that the pain was all muscular, not from the spine itself. That made me feel better. And that I should get some PT done on my back too. So he gave me 3 drugs: Gabupentin (numbs the nerves), Meloxicam, pain reliever, and a muscle relaxer Metaxalone (which I haven't taken yet).
While my back does feel pretty good right now, I have been taking it easy for the last few weeks, and haven't done much..except for the 2 Louie gigs I had. One was short, about 45 min, but the other was 3 straight hours with no break; that one really made me stiff and hobbled. But a few hours later, the pain was gone.