Definition of Irony (politics)

Jan 05, 2014 19:02

As I sit shivering in the coldest weekend in about 20 years I can't notice how I still see "Global Warming" being used. Yes, maybe humankind DID have a little to do with the change of climate over the last 150 years, but how can it FULLY attributed to us? When the last of the Ice Age melted 15000 years ago, which industry was at fault then? And how is taxing everything that moves going to work? Right now, everyone is trying to make machinery that is more efficient and less fuel guzzling. So you're still going to tax it? Gee thanks. Guess who has to pay for it, even if you're trying hard to be good? Are removing all the old light bulbs and replacing them with hugely expensive, and moderately lighting CCFLs going to make THAT much of a difference? Does the government NEED to tell us what to do? can't people be responsible by their own choice?

And all of the Climate Change scientists who think they know everything, how many of them fly to their huge hotels, drive in luxury cars to get from the airport to the hotel, and yammer on for hours in an auditorium lit by huge spotlights? And all those celebrity spokespeople...flying all over the world in their expensive jets with only a handful of seats filled, with their huge fossil fuel cars...yeah they are really good role models.

The one thing that I haven't heard mentioned as a cause was the Earth's axis moving again. This axis is ALWAYS changing, how come this isn't mentioned as a possibility? Oh right...because it would be a CONVENIENT truth?