Merry Day After Skunkmas!

Dec 26, 2013 10:10

Finally felt like putting the tree up on Christmas Eve. I just...didn't feel up to it for some reason this year, but gave in at the last minute. I guess I have a rep for putting up the tree, and had plenty of Skunks ask me whether I was gunna or not. So as to not disappoint, I finished it. I added 7 new ornaments this year, and I know I will be buying a few more for next year.

Took me 2 hours to put it up, and 45 min to take pics. I took well over 50, but here are the rest of them to peruse:

Sorry about the blue tinted ones; the camera was confused as to what I meant by "fluorescent lighting" (that's what I have in the room).

Enjoy ^.^