The first one is my team on the Homestuck Shipping Olympics! Dave<3Aradia didn't make it, so I joined Jade<3Kanaya instead! I'll admit, it's my first time actually writing femslash, so it'll be an interesting experience, but I've already started my fic for the first challenge, so that's exciting. I am really loving my team and the people in it. They are a rockin' bunch of homestucks. C':
The SECOND project is one that I'm really excited about, called
Domino University! It is a sort of Yugioh AU fanfic in the form of a blog, I guess. It focuses on Bakura and Marik as roommates in college. It's not really Thiefshipping, more like a glorious bromance. There'll be other shippy things in it, too, though! I have at least one planned, and you really never know what could happen later on. C: I'm really enjoying planning it all with my brother and I'd really appreciate it if it had more followers. So far there's...three. And all three of them are awesome, but there should be more, you know? :'D
In other news, I'm trying to re-join the 4kids tv forums, but they won't send me my confirmation e-mail. Come on, 4kids, I am voluntarily trying to join your horrible nightmare forums again, give me my e-mail! D:< (wish me luck, I might end up clawing my eyes out!)