wrapping things up.

Jul 09, 2007 10:28

it's so sad to be leaving this place. i mean, i'm happy. law school will be awesome (hesychasm -- DO NOT TELL ME DIFFERENT, KAY?) and i love north carolina and i miss my family like crazy and i cannot WAIT to watch the baby (who is now 20lbs! the fuck?) grow up (by the time i graduate, he will be nearly 5. wtf?). but i will miss this place. i'm sure i'll write some kind of sadsap post in the next couple of days about it, but for now. just, yeah, sad.

yesterday was our moving sale. we sold a lot of bizarre things. it's good though -- a lot less stuff to figure out what to do with. still, a LOT of stuff and i'm going to be out with people a lot this week (saying goodbye and such) and. yeah. i feel bad leaving thenewhope with it, but she's pretty resilient and i'll find some way to make it up to her. or something.

wednesdazy, i'm going to my gyn for a colposcopy. i had an irregular papsmear. i am freaking out. FREAKING OUT. pretty much, i'm terrified that i have cervical cancer. hopefully, in reality, the worst that i have is some kind of cervical dysplasia. even if it's really bad dysplasia, the treatments are not the worst thing ever (electrocauterization, cryocauterization, laser vaporization...). i figure the worst that happens wednesday is they take a few swabs or, maybe, a cone biopsy. which, while kind of gross sounding, isn't terribly awful.

meh. just what i needed the week before i move.
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