I am not offended, but I would like it if you edited to clarify that you misremembered my discussion and/or posted a link to the essay itself.
One of the recurring issues in debates about fighting prejudice is that the people of the relevant dominant class complain that the members of the relevant fighting class are asking them to do unpleasant or unreasonable things. Sometimes the members of the fighting class are asking the members of the dominant class to do unpleasant things, like self-examine for their own prejudice. But what I suggested was neither generally unpleasant (I recognize that there are some fans for whom even considering their own likes and dislikes is too much introspection wrt a hobby, but I don't think that's the general) nor unreasonable, and you have characterized my suggestion as both, because you misremembered or misunderstood my actual suggestion. I don't want people who never read what I wrote to go around thinking that I'm asking them to poke themselves in the eye. (Anyone who has read what I wrote and came to that conclusion is my fault as a writer.)
One of the recurring issues in debates about fighting prejudice is that the people of the relevant dominant class complain that the members of the relevant fighting class are asking them to do unpleasant or unreasonable things. Sometimes the members of the fighting class are asking the members of the dominant class to do unpleasant things, like self-examine for their own prejudice. But what I suggested was neither generally unpleasant (I recognize that there are some fans for whom even considering their own likes and dislikes is too much introspection wrt a hobby, but I don't think that's the general) nor unreasonable, and you have characterized my suggestion as both, because you misremembered or misunderstood my actual suggestion. I don't want people who never read what I wrote to go around thinking that I'm asking them to poke themselves in the eye. (Anyone who has read what I wrote and came to that conclusion is my fault as a writer.)
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