Feb 28, 2009 00:02
Today I got my first paycheck reflecting the 35 hour workweek. The paycheck is... kind of crappy, but I know it will be worse next time when the 5% pay cut is reflected. I'll be ok covering my expenses, but shit that stings a little, opening the paycheck and seeing how low it is.
My grand events of the day were as follows. I called my eye doctor to set up an appointment. My vision when looking at the computer screen isn't as sharp as it should be, even though it isn't time for my annual exam. It seemed to happen suddenly, so I'm wondering if this is an eye infection? Just a bad prescription in my contacts? Don't know. Have a Sunday appointment to try to resolve this.
After work, I got my eyebrows waxed. I usually just pluck them, because waxing tends to make my skin break out. Red bumps do not look better then little hairs, especially when I paid more for them. But at this point, I'd sort of lost the line of the brows and I wanted to have them clean them up- fix the line, make it more symmetric, get rid of the little hairs you can't possibly catch with tweezers, etc. All in all, I'm satisfied with the result, but we'll see if the bumps come up in the next few days.
Was then going to watch WWE wrestling tonight (what? It's a guilty pleasure from my childhood...) but I accidentally took a nap that lasted through the show. It shows again tomorrow, so I might still catch it. Oh WWE--soap opera for men with eye candy for women, how I shouldn't enjoy you as much as I do...