Feb 05, 2009 21:44
Because I'm sure you all care-- I survived "School's Out" on Guitar Hero hard level. We are another step closer to a 101 things in 1001 days goal. Honestly, I'd be more proud of myself if I could get through the Dragonforce song on medium-- that medium is probably 10 times harder than any of the hard songs (except, you know, the Dragonforce song on Hard-- that would just be sick)
Not helping with the 101 things goals is that I just can't get anywhere on writing. Like, barely even talk myself into sitting at my computer. Sort of waffling on the stuff I've already thought about and can't really come up with any new ideas. Boo.
In an effort to avoid more layoffs, my work is reducing us to seven hour days (35 hours a week). One of my friends at work did get completely laid off. And we aren't really seeing the orders growing, so it'll be getting worse before it's better. Awesome. Luckily, I don't really have that many bills-- I'd survive ok for a while. I was just trying to get some things paid off, and that's not going to happen if I take too much of a hit.
Still planning on taking a vacation this year (haven't had one in 2-3 years--haven't even had a vacation day off work for about a year and a half-- I think it's fair, so long as nothing goes too wrong and I desperately need the money for other things) Still not sure where I'd want to go. The beach sounds sort of nice, but I think that's got more to do with the fact that it's so cold here than me actually wanting to go. I worry I'd get bored of the beach and have nothing else to do but... sit at the beach. I was sort of considering Europe-- with the world economy as is, it's not as expensive to stay there, but it's expensive to get there. Any thoughts?