Apr 07, 2008 11:15

No one said anything about posting questions, just answers. So while I may be forced to play Captain Exposition for your sick amusement, snowcalico, I'll be damned if you or anyone else will get my precious, precious context.

1. Bread. The process fulfills me on multiple levels.

2. I would be interested to see what urban niches the Troodon would fill, given the opportunity. Tempting as it is to toss in some rampaging behemoth, Troodon's got a better chance of having an ultimately larger effect and becoming a functional member of the ecosystem, assuming a favorable climate and that they survive the first winter. Packs of small, intelligent omnivores roaming the alleys and storm drains, feeding on roaches, squirrels, pigeons, and housecats. Levying their binocular vision to avoid being hit by cars. Becoming beloved household pets (until they savagely eviscerate the neighbor's toddler).

3. My all-time favorites are ones I really don't have anymore. When I was younger, and trapped in some long, uneventful pattern (i.e., school lecture, car trip), and when it was unfeasible to, say, doodle the shit out of a worksheet, I would instead transform the environment into a virtual entertainment for myself. Typically, this involved envisioning some manner of creature interacting with said environment in a manner suitable to its nature. On a car trip, this would generally be some manner of kaiju rampaging down the highway, sealing the fate of each passing vehicle or building. In the classroom, a more video game-like experience, wherein anything on the walls was far game for the platforming antics of the imagined being.

4. That is an unexpectedly difficult question. No, I won't say Heavy Metal, because that way lies only anatomical implausibility and grisly death. Ditto something like Dinosaucers, or Ghostbusters, or any program in which a very limited membership is privy to the Cool Stuff and thereby immune to the nameless civilian curse of Being Eaten By Fucking Monsters. One is tempted to suggest TMNT, as the existence of mutants, ninja, robots, and combinations thereof in large, publicly-accessible quantities is Relevant to My Interests. Gummi Bears (STOP LAUGHING) wouldn't be half-bad either; fantasy setting, ogres, magical elixir that gives you superhuman agility and resilience.

However, I just know that after I post this, I'm going to think of a series I forgot. Probably in the shower. Then I shall be distraught. And may or may not get soap in my eyes as a result.

5. Actual clone or implausible fictional clone? Because I don't want a kid, and that's about all an actual clone is. So let's go the implausible fictional route, shall we? Does Rule 63 apply? If so, my path is clear. Don't make me draw you a diagram. If not, then more thought is in order. Can I utilize my double for evil mischief and personal enrichment without the predictable screw-job that always comes with fictional situations like this? Will we both angle to use the other for spare parts? It is a mystery.


P.S. Spell Check does not recognize screwjob, but screw-job is deemed acceptable. My hyphenated duty is clear.
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