Aug 09, 2012 22:06
I received some paper samples at work the other day. And I was looking through them as my sales person was explaining things to me, and I got totally distracted with feeling the embossing samples. I looked up, realized she was still talking, and said, "Sorry! This is just really cool."
She was flattered and all, since her job is to make me want to buy it, but that was totally not what I was doing. I may be an adult, but I still get easily sidetracked by shiny, fun things. It's honestly embarrassing sometimes. We can be having a Serious Conversation about some book or another, and my only contribution is, "It's sparkly!"
I guess I'm meant to be in children's books. I loved my former imprint because it was mainly geared toward tween girls, and we could do fun stuff with them. If someone even hinted that they may want glitter on a cover, I would say, "I'll figure out a way we can afford it, because I want glitter on the cover." My editors love me because I'm not super-serious-production-manager who wants to drop all the special effects; I want my stuff to look cool. I can actually see it through the eyes of a kid.
I guess that's a plus. But outside work, when I'm supposed to be a proper adult, it's a little embarrassing. I feel like everyone's going to realize one day that I'm a big fraud and secretly twelve years old.