Sep 12, 2004 02:27
I like the stained brown sound of her recordings. I can see her in the oldtime studio in my head all sepia toned and grainy, cradling the microphone like a tiny tiny child in both hands. Whispering sweet songs across the little space of the air to be etched and pressed into plastic.
Every now and then i get a glimpse backward at where I've been, and what i've done. Not a casual peek over my shoulder like ive missed a street sign, and not a quick check out the corner of my eye at first base, but a nice slow down, turn my head glance at the pretty girl at the table. It happens often enough, I get to some marker, real or imagined and decide that then might be a good time to take a quick peek at whats left behind. And i've never glanced without feeling a pang of regret. But I guess thats the point. Those things I wish i hadnt done in the first place- I havent done since; and I hug a little longer; and look a little harder. And even though i'm learning these lessons, some of them at a steeper cost than id like- looking back is still a little painful. I suppose it'll always be that way. I suppose thats the way we keep ourselves in check. It should anyway.
It turns out, that the ad I turned in, was turned in with the wrong text- and that i was right about her head- thinking it was too big for the ad. I have some time to re tool it and some ideas I think I should try. Tomorrow will be a design day. I have some really nice scans to take in and a very little bit of sitework.
It turns out also, that once people are 'out of your life' for whatever reason; it's hard as hell to try and get them back in it. For whatever reason.
Its so very complicated between people these days, I wish I understood why.
for now tho, i should be sleeping.
Goodnight, Moon.
'Money's most powerful ability, is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it.'
If you could have coffee with anyone at all, from any time living or dead, fictional or not- Would you offer them cream?