(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 18:37

GAHHHHHHH i just found out i got tagged by bry......GAHHHHH alright...

List 5-10 reasons why you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud about how big of a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.

1) i clean/re-organize my room like everyday...

2) i've never gotten lower than a B+ on my report card

3) i got a 4.0 3rd marking period

4) i run into things...often...

5) IM OBSSESSED WITH EVERYTHING MUSICAL THEATER....(is that loud and proud enough?)

6) I knit...and cross-stitch and stuff....(thats like grandma stuff)

7) uhhhh i read books.....for fun....

8) i have photographic memory..... thats not really dorky is it? well if it isn't then..uhhh i say random things and a lot of ppl look @ me funny....lol

9) i say jokes that i think are funny but i guess no one else is on the same page...

10) if i think something is so funny that i cant breathe i start snorting and laughing...(very attractive..)


1. Debbie/Annie

2. Chelsea

3. Amanda (eleven)

4. JOJO!

5.then...uhhhh Lexi!!!!

i would tag barrie and bry but they've already embarassed themselves lol
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