bring it on in to nostalgiaville

Jul 09, 2009 18:32

HAYYYY NEW FRIENDS. I am far too lazy to have written up an introduction post to have handy at this moment, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

My one-year bandom anniversary was a little over a week ago, and I thought I should commemorate a little by talking about ( my experience so far - warning: this gets super sappy :\ )

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mondegreen July 10 2009, 00:35:52 UTC

I can't believe I've been in Bandom for as long as I have (and intend to stay), and you've pretty much listed all of the reasons why I love it here. \o/


quarterturn July 10 2009, 00:39:12 UTC
How long have you been in bandom? It feels like forever for me, even though I know a year's kind of teeny in comparison to some. I INTEND TO STAY FOR A VERY LONG TIME, THOUGH!


mondegreen July 10 2009, 00:45:30 UTC
Not that long! Um, I started garnering interest in November/December of 2007, but only really got into Bandom around January/February 2008. Since I'm pretty multifannish, it's one of the fandoms I've been in the longest. :D


quarterturn July 10 2009, 00:48:27 UTC
I had some really brief flings with it before I got into it full-time (a friend of mine made me listen to Vampires Will Never Hurt You when it first came out, and she kept telling me how slashy these guys were and I was a stubborn brat and ignored her).

I've always been very multifannish, too, but since I got into bandom it's pretty much taken over my life. :D


mondegreen July 10 2009, 00:51:50 UTC
I know! I think the first fic I read was in September 2007, but it took a little while to stick, ahaha. Usually I'd have the itch to leave by now, but I don't; I really love it -- especially all the people I've met.


quarterturn July 10 2009, 00:54:54 UTC
I usually don't have the itch to leave a fandom so much as I get distracted by shinier and prettier new things. Bandom has just about everything I could ever need in a fandom, though, and a constantly-changing canon, so I can't imagine I'll get distracted anytime soon.

The people I've met here are definitely some of the best. :D


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