Take the Pieces and Build Them Skywards - art

Jun 29, 2009 03:48

I'll admit, when I saw saint_sorrows had claimed my fic, I was over the moon. I've been a fan of her art, and I couldn't wait to see what she'd come up with. Honestly, nothing I'd imagined even came close to how amazing it actually is. And I got two pieces! I suppose the first one could be considered slightly spoilerish.

The first is cg, depicting the following scene:

He gets through two cigarettes before the door opens, and even in the darkness, the light from the hallway behind him the only thing illuminating his frame, Gerard can tell it’s Mikey. His heart lurches in his chest, and all he can think is Miss you miss you miss you.

Mikey stands out on the lawn for a few minutes, arms crossed, staring down at the grass. After a while he looks up, scans the street, and notices Gerard.

Gerard almost stands up. Brian’s warning is there at the forefront of his mind, vaguely promising bad things if he tried to interact with his family, but it’s Mikey. It’s the kid he’s spent his whole life with, and the kid he really can’t imagine his life without.

He forces himself to stay where he’s at even when Mikey heads over, even when Mikey sits down next to him and drags his knees up toward his chest.

They sit in silence for a while, and then Mikey says, “My brother died today.”

Gerard’s whole body aches with the need to just reach over and hug him, to reassure him that things are okay. I’m still here, he wants to say. I love you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to die. “I’m really sorry.”

Mikey nods, bobbing his head a few times like once he gets the motion going he doesn’t quite know how to stop, or like once he stops he’s not sure what else to say. Finally he says, “That asshole.”

This scene is admittedly one of my favorites, and I was so excited to see she'd chosen it to draw. I love every single thing about this picture - the sort of blurred quality of everything around them, the colors, but I especially love their faces. Mikey's grief and Gerard's yearning are so palpable, it breaks my heart just looking at it. Gerard looks like he's trying to keep himself from touching Mikey, just barely restraining himself from consoling him, it's just so vivid. I really love Gerard's coloring in this, the way he does sort of look like Death, but he doesn't actually look all that different than he might normally look after a few days in the basement with no sleep and too much caffeine. :D

The second piece is an inkwash of a sketch of Gerard, and oh man, how I love it.

The detail alone on this is incredible. Every time I look at it I find something else I love. The sheen on Gerard's hair (and how she somehow made it look like if I could reach through the screen and touch it, it would be the softest thing in the WORLD), the slope of his nose, the set of his eyes, the SCARF. I just really and truly love this. I am so flabbergasted by her talent, and I am so incredibly lucky to have gotten her as an artist.

Thank you, saint_sorrows, thank you so much for these amazing pieces of art!

extras, take the pieces and build them skywards, bbb09

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