obligatory post-Christmas post

Dec 26, 2007 21:30

I got quite the haul of Christmas cards in the mail yesterday. *deep breath*

meagan868 (I adore this card and YOU!), karmicunderpath (HAHAHAHA COFFEE ♥), wook77 (GLITTER AND PENGUINS BABY, NOTHING BETTER!), kiki_miserychic (a-dorable, plus I don't think I knew your first name before this, how weird, but I love your name!), jadehunter (lol cheese tree! ridonkulously adorable!), spazzbot (OMG SO PRETTY WITH THE RIBBONS AND THE GLITTER AND THE STRIPES AND THE PICTURE JUST GUH), maechi (MORE PENGUINS EEEE), uneedmerchant (DR. SEUSS OMG NOSTALGIA), and a postcard from noorie (with bonus creepy Santa! :D) Thank you all so much! *squishes* I'm hanging all the cards up on my door and I'll have to take a picture as soon my mom stops hoarding the camera. :D

I also got an adorable v-gift from meagan868 and a very cute e-card from beckytheelf, thank you, darlings. It's probably cheesy to say, but little things like that always mean so much to me, it's cool to think someone's thinking about you, even if just for a couple minutes. :)

AND. Hokai. Not gonna lie, I got one of the most awesome packages in the whole wide world delivered. From my BFF such_jaunt, and I don't know how she does it, but she tops herself every time! I literally cannot even list all the stuff this package had in it, but again with the pictures when my mom decides to share. BUT I GOT ANOTHER VINTAGE MY LITTLE PONY. A PINK ONE. AND A MOTHER-EFFING SLAP BRACELET. YEAH. ALSO VINTAGE. I'm not sure I should be calling 80s stuff vintage, especially since I'm from the 80s, but you guys. A SLAP BRACELET. I haven't had one of those since I was in third grade. And all of this awesome other stuff like lip gloss and bracelets and a keychain and candy and LEGOS and just. Barbara, gosh I love you. Thank you so much, sweetheart, I am just overwhelmed with GLEE and AWESOME and LOVE.

My family Christmas wasn't nearly as awesome as that package, lol. I did get Left In Darkness, which, you know. At this point in my David Anders obsession, that is a pretty kickass gift. :D

My little sister got a puppy! My mom got me a movie and my little sister got a PUPPY. Totally fair. :D Anyway, it's a mini Dachshund and it really is adorable. We had to babysit it the night before, and I got SO attached to the thing. My sister and I decided to name it Kilgore (heh) but my little sister was not fond of that name and ended up calling it Penny.

And yeah, obvs the timestamp is wrong.

lj user: karmicunderpath, lj user: noorie, barbara is my bff, peektures!, lj user: beckytheelf, the gabster, lj user: jadehunter, lj user: kiki_miserychic, holidays: christmas, i love my friends, lj user: uneedmerchant, capslock is awesome, lj user: spazzbot, real life, david anders aka my new tv boyfriend, lj user: meagan868, lj user: maechi, lj user: wook77

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