IF you were to be granted one wish, what would it be?
IF you could eliminate any one type of insect permanently from the earth, what would you get rid of?
IF you could have stopped aging at any point inyour life up to the present, how old would you want to remain?
IF you could return for one year to one age inyour life, knowing what you know now,
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something to eliminate; stinging ones.
aging; i think i would want to stop at 18. not too young, not too old.
go back in time; definately 8th grade.
About the Pope; hey man, you're strong. keep doing what you're doing.
Renaming myself; ROSHA or LITTLE ONE. or something terrible long like: Seen'r but ya don't believ'r
My senses; Probably smelling..because if you can't smell something good, you at least have tasting it, so you're not completely screwed.
Terrifying moment.; uhm, NO IDEA.
Personality Traits; My shyness to go up to people about certain things. I mean I'll go up to people I don't know, no doubt, and introduce myself..But If i need to talk about something, i don't really know, but sometimes it's just hard.
Choose the way I die; just happy. Even if I don't know about the 'happy moment' til after.
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