Dec 01, 2008 18:37
As Tony said, my mother has to go back into surgery. She was supposed to go in this morning, but was just taken in about 6:00 PM.
She has a gaping hole where her first surgery was done (about 1 to 1 1/2 inch), and it was infected. She has had a low-grade fever since before Wednesday, and has had a few hallucinations (she told my aunt that I was in to see her last night -- I was actually flying from Arizona to Springfield; and she said she talked to my grandfather, grandmother and aunt who have all passed from this world) -- that's what many would call hallucinations, anyway. I lean toward believing that she was aware of my spirit and those of my elders' visiting her.
As I find out more, Tony will likely post an update.
Blessings to all my friends who have held my mother and our family in your prayers and have sent energy in this direction. We have such a beautiful chosen family.
Mark A. Korol-Evans