Jul 07, 2005 14:20
Here's an interesting snapshot of our how our 'system' works.
The pharmaceutical industry, since 1998, has spent more than $800 m i l l i o n
on lobbyists (nearly 1300 of them) and political campaigns.
"It is astonishing to learn that no other interest has spent more money to sway public policy in this time period." "The trade group representing drug makers said the money helped patients." The director of the Center for Public Integrity said the industry's motives were "profit-driven". DMN 7/7/05 Page 14A
Regardless of purity of motive vs. greed, this kind of money buys incredible influence and is a real indicator of how lawmakers on Capital Hill (and elsewhere) can be purchased.
I agree with Brad Pitt's philosophy that such money could be put to much better use. Our country has gotten really skewed in many ways.