Sep 25, 2009 13:01
Tell me something. What you had for breakfast, what your favourite color is, who you love, something you can't stand, something that means the world to you, anything. Secrets or something that's not really a secret. I just want hear what you have to say, really. So comment away. IP logging off, anonymous commenting on. Go crazy.
i have china's marukaite chikyuu on repeat. |D also lovely flist, i ask for your help again! please rec me awesome manga titles? i would prefer if they are completed, not too long (say less than 10 volumes?) and are scanlated/being scanlated. though if you think they're super awesome i may consider them no matter what.
yes i am bored with my life.
so not addicted what are you saying,
i do not need help with my addiction,
the one with the gay countries,
chuugaku aru yo!