So I went and saw this movie, maybe you've heard of it

May 24, 2013 21:19

Thumbs up, baby. I was scared but damn. No worries. It was really good and oh shit, they managed to tie part 3 back into the timeline just in timei for part 7.

We start with Dom and Brian racing and I thought we were doing what they did where we went from part 4 to part 5 with seeing how they broke Dom out of jail, I thought we were continuing from part 5 where Brian asks for another race, but no, they are racing to the hospital because it's baby time!

Cute baby, and a few months later, Dom is waking up with Elena and out on his porch Hobbs is waiting with a envelope with Letty's picture in it. Hobbs says he needs Dom and his team's help.

They all assemble in London after we see a shirtless Teg(damn luda,yum) giving some money back to the community and we see Rome on some plane with many women.

Dom finds Brian and Mia, while Brian is giving the baby, Jack, a toy car. Dom brings him a car too,a muscle car to go with the import car his daddy just gave him. He shows them the picture and Brian is pissed and tells him the pic has to be fake. But they need to know so off they go.

Hobbs lays it out for them with his new sidekick, Riley.

While he's talking Rome is trying to borrow change to get something out of the vending machine. Hobbs finally shoots the vending machine glass to get Rome to shut the hell up.

Group of precision drivers are robbing military stuff. Letty's pic is shown. Oh! Tego and Rico are absent. Laat anyone heard from them was a casino.

Interpol gets robbed at the same time some team member of Shaw's (that Hobbs beat the snot out of earlier)is undercover for the cops. Shaw is of course onto them so a car chase breaks out. Our team gets their ass handed to them via some gran prix type car with a flat front that the bad guys use to flip cars. Dom catches up to Letty and gets shot for his trouble. Back at the headquarters, Brian tells him maybe she's changed and is no longer the Mia they knew. Dom refuses to give up on her.

The bad guys have reports on all the guys while Hobbs gets dossiers on the bad guys. Rome says it's like the bad guys are their evil twins. Rome asks Brian when he had time for a photo shoot as they show a pic of a blonde woman. Then Rome says, "You know you still the prettiest blond." Thank you, writers.

Gisele, Han, Rome and new woman, Riley, find some guy that customizes cars. Riley and Gisele go to talk to the guy while Rome and Han agree how hot it is when Riley breaks the guy down to the ground. The guy manages to sneak call Shaw who sends Letty and two guys to the mechanic. Letty looks concerned when the guys break out guns and shoot up the guys garage. The dying mechanic gives Gisele his phone and gasps out "Braga" right before he dies. A chase into the london subway system where Han and Rome get beat up by one of Shaw's guys. Meanwhile, Riley finds Letty and they have a serious WWE takedown.

Street race with Letty and Dom while Brian gets back into the U.S via an orange jumpsuit and the FBI guy he beat up in part 4. It's all fake though so Brian can talk to Braga who informs him that he knew Letty was undercover from the get go but she lost her memory after the car crash and that's when Shaw wisked her away.

Dom and Letty talk and he gives her the magical necklace with the cross. She leaves and Shaw shows up to talk or or mock Dom. There are red lights trained on chests via bad guy who works for Shaw and then Hobbs has Dom's back with his own laser sniper rifle. They all leave.

After reassuring Shaw that she is still down Letty lets him take the necklace and she tells him to keep it. This is important.

Then there is the car race where they try and stop Shaw after Brian comes back from his prison talk with Braga. Shaw breaks out a tank and much craziness is had including Shaw trying to kill letty once she goes flying off the top of the tank. Dom ends up leaping out of his car and catching her so they can land on a car. It was very thrilling.

Shaw is caught but of course he has a back up plan where he's kidnapped Mia. The commander of the military base is all "we're not going to let you go for one person, blah blah blah." So while we are expecting Brian or Dom to speak up first, Hobbs is actually the one that pulls his gun and gets Shaw released. Oh and Riley, Hobbs little sidekick was with Shaw. I said out loud, "I knew that trick was dirty'" and someone behind me in the theater laughed.

Brian, Dom and Letty all hop into car. And while I saw the preview where Dom growls out, "Ride or die," I went into silent spastic glee when Brian said it too. While Letty looked on like they were crazy.

Next up is what I like to call car and planes but no trains. Hobbs and Dom team up to take out this one bad guy who had more muscles that Dom and Hobbs put together. We get another fight between Letty and Riley but this time I'm rooting for Letty. Riley goes bye bye out the plane.

There is some confusing cars being attached to the plane stuff and Gisele ends up dying while saving Han's life.
Shaw and Dom fight some more and he dies before the plane comes down on fire.

Plane fire fire, Dom hasn't showed up and everyone has their worried face on until he walks out of the fire. Then Mia asks where Giselle is and we know she's dead.

Dom made it off the plane with the 'component' or whatever Shaw kept trying to steal. Hobbs tells him to name his price and he says, "1327." It's the house number to their old house from part one. We see the whole gang at the house having a bbq. Han is telling Tej that he's going to Tokyo because that's where he and Giselle had planned on going.

Letty and Elena meet and Rome and Tej watch and drool. Dom tells Elena she can stay but she's got her badge and she's off to kick ass with Hobbs who says to Dom. "Until next time."

Rome eats first so has to say the prayer and it's a good one and he thanks god for fast cars.

The credits barely roll before we see some scenes from F&F3 with the drifting and Han crashing his car. A man walks up to him and drops Dom's magical cross necklace next to him and then walks off. He presses some button and Han's car blows up while mystery guy (Jason Statham) calls Dom and says, "You don't know me but you're about to."


Wow, I did not expect that last part and I am tripping about them tying part 3 back into the movie timeline. I really like that and this sets up Jason Statham as the baddie for part 7. I assume he's Shaw's brother that he mentioned.

Additional stuff:

Some guy calls Hobbs and Tej kitchen help while they're at a car auction. Tej gets revenge by buying every car there and then making the guy give him his shirt,pants and watch.

I love that Michelle Rodriguez's characters have refused to stay dead in two different franchises(the other being Resident Evil).

At one point Hobbs calls Tej and Tej has him listed on his phone as 'Samoan Thor.'

Rome makes a few jokes about baby oil around Hobbs. Hobbs and Tej talk about Rome's big forehead.

I wonder if the guy from part 3, Sean, will be in part 7 since Dom met him at the end of part 3 and Han was his friend too. They should have made him Brian's cousin or something. Maybe the gang will adopt him into the family.

I thought Jason Statham was supposed to be in this one and he was at the end, but I guess he's going to be more involved in part 7.

Our baby is not a sequel or a trilogy, it's a franchise. *snuggles fast and furious*

I like how strong Brian and Dom's friendship is in this one. Family is stressed as being very important and they show and not just tell that.


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