This required a bit of research; but we did find the right bit of Tor in the end .

Aug 09, 2013 22:58

A lovely location that really inspired some hands-on  (and knee and elbow and foot and backside) interaction. I surprised bf garienos by being able to get up the height on my own and am  proud of myself for doing so too. I don't dislike heights, it's just that with my sense of balance and dodgy depth perception it can be difficult - I do have good excuses for both problems though! Time and patience, and no-one to bump into and someone to talk to me while I climb and I am fine. The view up there was lovely and familiar; I was going 'Oh look, there's the Great Grimpen Minefield'. I took photos too that I will post later.

It is not where you think it is on the Tor (they had their own separate 'compartment', more easily accessible and away from the hoi polloi). It's also quite a way up and the angle of the publicity photo foreshortens the height and lifts John (bless him) by putting Martin Freeman on a handy  boulder. They were there much later in the day than we were (we'd got up early to beat the crowds and were climbing the rocks at 8.35am).The ascent from the other side isn't as hard as it looks though; I'm not sure Mr Cumberbatch could have climbed in those shoes and that coat (I'd got walking boots on) but longer limbs and better co-ordination might have got him over the sloping bit of stone that I had problems with both ascending and getting down. If someone bumps into him they should ask about that for me...

dartmoor, locationing, sherlock

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