The other day I went and bought myself a pattern for this off the shoulder sweater. Before I bought the pattern though, I told the lady at the yarn store that I was concerned about the use of a cable needle. I've never used one before. She scanned the pattern, said it shouldn't be too hard, and gave me the idea that the cabling was to be done in
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As for the knitting community, it helped quite a bit! About four different people offered up advice. It's great! Now I don't have to go to the yarn store for help. By the by, I found that community through your info page. You mentioned a knitting community before, so I thought to look to see which ones you belonged to.
Also, don't you make up your own knitting patterns and designs? At the very least, you're cool enough to spin your own yarn, which is so neat. When I was a little kid, my mom used to always clip our poodles hair, and I would pretend to spin it into wool on my grandmas old sewing machine (it was crazy looking, it had a foot operated pedal to make a wheel spin, and it made out of iron or something) I read something once too about people who go to dog groomers, and get dog fur and spin wool with it. It would be a neat idea to use that for dog sweaters. Make them a sweater with their own fur.
Ooohh, that tutorial on double sided knitting, and decorative stiches looks interesting! Thanks for the link!
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