Life, The Universe and Everything

Sep 16, 2008 11:25

It's quite difficult to get me honestly angry . Yes, yes you have managed it. Well done.

Why is it that some people seem so unable to work in a professional manner just because those people also happen to be their friends? Is it so difficult to keep them separate? The only reason I can even keep trying to get this across to them - rather than giving up and killing them and/or myself, is because I know exactly why I work for this in the first place. So if I can't get them to understand... and I can't leave without betraying myself. What's the answer? Stop being a friend I guess...

The past few days have left me utterly frustrated and I'm struggling with some stupidly difficult decisions in my own life. Is it impossible just to let something go? Admit that you were wrong? Can no-one do that any more? Has it really come to the point in this community where everyone is out for themselves and doesn't care about anyone else - especially when they're creating the problems that other people have to deal with?

I suppose expecting everyone to act like mature adults is a little too much to ask, but maybe smart children would have been good enough... at least children can learn. Rather than doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to have a different reaction from people - oh wait, isn't that a definition of insanity?

Almost everyone I know seems to be paranoid to the extreme, unable to believe that anyone trusts them, and throwing those words around like a little tantrum whenever they don't get what they want. Newsflash: I certainly don't trust you anymore, and maybe it's something you shouldn't give out freely 'til it's earned. I'm going to turn off my computer now - before I work myself up any more. I'm still contactable if you really want to though, most of you have my number etc.

Finally, don't bother asking me if this post is about you, if you think it is, you're probably right (or paranoid).

stuff, rant, warning

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