Human Sacrifices - A Rant

Nov 05, 2008 10:02

Well, it looks at this hour as if Prop 8 has passed here in California.  What is prop 8?  Well, it essentially says that only a "man and a woman" can be married.  Everything else is an abomination in the eyes of god.  If it passes (which it apparently has), it means that gay marriage is outlawed, and it will require a rewriting of the California constitution.

All in the name of God, of course.  Praise be to the fear-mongering followers of the Nazi in the funny hat.  Pffft.


Since when does the Catholic Church, under the guise of "The Knights of Columbus" fund a proposition that is clearly nothing more than a hate-mongering bit of drivel driven by fear, prejudice, bigotry, and anger?  C'mon, people, open your goddamn eyes! I say "goddamned" because if you are that blind, then surely God must have blinded you in order to hold you in bondage - a slave to some rhetoric that is neither logical, nor even rational.  What's amazing is that the State of California FELL for it!  And we are allegedly a state of creative spirits, intellectuals, and philosophers.  We are also, apparently, a state of fundy-dunderheads who have lost the ability to think progressively instead of regressively.

I alternate between a sense of outrage and total lack of concern.  And yet...

The glaring and dangerous stupidity of the human race never ceases to amaze me!  The lies told in this campaign were legion.  The commercials wanting us to vote "against" gay marriage used all sorts of pseudo-religions, quasi-intellectual arguments, telling us essentially that we would be "saving the children" to vote against gay marriage.  After all, the ads said, we wouldn't want gay marriage taught in schools!

Er... gays have been getting married in California and other states for quite some time now, and to my knowledge, it isn't taught in schools, one way or the other.  Besides, most of those fear-mongering religious fanatics I know send their little brats to private xtian schools (where they may be assured of getting their daily dose of Jesus' body and his blood - cannibalism and vampirism, for the unenlightened), so there is little danger of Little Johnny being exposed to those dangerous faggots (unless, of course, he is friends w/ the priest, in which case, all bets are off, eh?  Gives new meaning to, "On your knees, little boy, and prepare to receive the holy scepter.")

When did the human race get so stupid? 
When did we become a nation of puppets and fearful religious imbeciles, sucking at the teat of the Virgin Mary and bending over to take it up the ass from every politicical group who uses the slogan, "God is on our side!"?  Jeeesus, how can people be so god-fucking-damned D U M B???????

Guess you could say I've had it this morning.  (Geee, ya think?)  The gay marriage issue is not a religious issue.  It is a civil rights issue. It is a HUMAN rights issue. Rather like telling the black population that they cannot vote because of the color of their skin - which, by the way, was not repealed until 1964.  Fairly recent history!  Women weren't allowed to vote until the 1920s.  (Yet we were allowed to go to church - go figure).  It took us THAT long to figure out that people are just people?  How much LONGER is it going to take for us to figure out that gay people are just people?  We don't molest your children (we leave that for the Catholic priests, the school bus drivers, and the evangelical preachers.)

So let's get real here.  I realize that most reading this don't necessarily live in California.  But civil rights are non-local.  As long as one group is oppressed in the name of religion, we are nothing more than a bunch of fearful apes bowing and scraping before the sun or the moon, begging false gods for our crops to be spared, and - STILL OFFERING HUMAN SACRIFICES TO THOSE ANGRY GODS!  Yes, human sacrifices.  We are told that "our" issues are irrelevant.  We are told to keep silent, but keep paying our taxes, keep upholding the American flag.  We are told to shut up and bend over... in the name of God.

Human sacrifices.

Isn't that what it's all about?  God will be on our side if we stop them thar faggots from gettin' married!  Protect the sanctity of marriage!  After all, Joe-Bob will tell us, marriage is fer makin' LITTLE dumb shits - procreation (though most of the idjits can't even read that word without relying on hooked on fonix).  But I digress...

Jeezus-humpin'-the-ass-of-the-saints!  WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THAT?  What kind of "christian" is that, who apparently never got the memo about "Judge not, lest ye be judged"?  What kind of god would favor one "group" over another if all men were allegedly created equal?  What kind of god would create homosexuals and then rally his people to hatred of those same individuals whom HE had created?  If THAT is your God, surely he is a schizophrenic psychopath rather than any sort of role model!  And if you are FOLLOWING him, what does that say about YOU?

Does it occur to any of you good xtians out there that NONE of this makes one iota of sense?  And don't give me that crap about God working in mysterious ways - the grand excuse that comes along whenver we stand at the funeral of an infant or the grave of a loved one.  God doesn't work in mysterious ways.  God doesn't work.  Period.  He is a defunt, out of work dictator who has become the icon for every impotent redneck turkey and every political group with an agenda to peddle.


The illusion only works for those who agree to uphold it.  And - sorry, folks - if you are choosing to uphold THAT particular illusion, I would seriously recommend some long-term therapy to break you out of that faith-based bullshit that has probably kept you in the dark all your life.  Wake up.  It won't hurt much, and not for very long.  And the rewards are infinite in that you will find yourself suddenly to make YOUR decisions without having to pray over it, and agonize over "What would Jesus do?"

Do we CARE what Jesus would do?  He didn't do too good while he was here, after all.  Got himself crucified, and ended up with a bunch of zombie-eyed lunatics who essentially embody everything BUT what the man was trying to teach.  If you wanna believe Jesus existed, that's fine!  But when you start thinking he "saved" you and now you owe him some human sacrifices, you're way out on a limb of imbeciles, and have, in fact, become the very antithesis of what it means to be a "christian".  But no matter.  I know that's too hard for most folks.  Wouldn't want to disturb that comfort zone, that precious status quo that seems to tell all christians they are right and good.  In reality, they are self-righteous and - in the case of Prop 8 - the embodiment of "sin" and the manifestation of evil.  Why?  (I'll get to that in a moment).

For those who want to go on believing that God is on our side here in the US, I suggest they pull the shit out of their eyes and ears and take a look at the reality going on all around them.  The economy is in the shitter, young men and women are dying in Iraq every day for a war the people don't want and don't support, priests are buggering little boys in the name of God, evangelical preachers are screaming hate and violence and ending their prayer "In Jesus' name"... and somehow this is all considered okay?  There's your human sacrifice - and 99.999% of it occurs in the name of God.  We fight wars in the name of God.  We forgive sodomizing priests in the name of God.  For as long as we allow one group to be discriminated against LEGALLY  in the name of God, we do not have a nation founded on freedom.  Instead, we have a religion-controlled nation of sheeple, being led around by the ring in their collective noses, who will believe any piece of propaganda their masters shove in front of them.

If there is "sin", it is simply this:  to keep someone else from thriving.

And, let's face it, the whole Prop 8 thing is designed to do exactly what.  What does it hurt YOU (or me or the Catholic church) if two men or two women LOVE one another enough to want to make a commitment that is lasting, and LEGAL?????  Doesn't that same insane religion preach that "God is love?"  It doesn't say man/woman love is God.  It says, simply, God is love.  But no matter - that would involve a bit of additional thinking, and as we've already determined, that probably isn't possible for anyone following a fundy-dunderhead way of living.

Wendy and I had hoped to get married next year to commemorate 30 years of togetherness - and I dare say most heterosexual xtian couples don't last that long, and if they do it is because one of them is buggering the other's best friend out of sheer boredom with the missionary position... but again I digress.  Point being - where is the crime in love and commitment?  Where is the fear in allowing a coupla old lesbians to make it legal so as to protect one another's rights in the event one of us dies (or is murdered by a hate-mongering religious fanatic).  Where?  Is?  The?  Harm?

It all resides in fear. And not even in REASONABLE fear.  There are no lions coming to eat you or your children if you think for yourself.  Allowing two old fairies to get married isn't going to threaten the sanctity of YOUR marriage?  If it DOES, then your marriage and, especially, your God could bear some examination, doncha think?  And far moreso, you need to take a long, hard look at whatever "ordained" asshole told you that in the first place.  What is HIS agenda?  I grew up in that fundy atmosphere of hate, violence and fear - where the preacher was fucking the head deacon's wife (literally), and all those god-fearing xtians were perched on bar stools at the local pub before noon - and believe me, when I started thinking for myself and asking too many questions, I was asked to leave and never return.  And - THANK THE GODLESS! - I did precisely that, and have never regretted it.  Religion is for idiots who are incapable of thinking for themselves.  Religion is for the fearful.  Religion is for politicians with agendas.  Religion is for those who simply are too afraid to...


Face it, folks... Your church is not a symbol of your faith.  And if you need "faith" to get you through your day, you are a pathetic sack of yak shit who has not figured out that the ONLY god is the one in your mirror.  Unfortunately for YOU, you probably have spent a lifetime having "faith" in some other god that some other numbnuts has shoved down your throat, and maybe it's too late for you to ever wake up.  So you'll go on living in fear and selling it to others in the form of your "political" opinions.  You'll go on thinking the earth is flat and that it was a "mistake" to allow women and blacks to vote, and without a doubt, you'll go on believing that all queers go to hell and maybe you'll never even question WHY you believe that drivel?

You believe it because you were programmed to believe it.  Period.

Other cultures believe god is a woman.  Other cultures believe all Americans are heretics who should be slaughtered.  Geee... how does THAT feel?  You should be slaughtered in the name of someone else's God?  Makes you squirm, I suspect, when the shoe is on the other foot.  What if you should be slaughtered because you are Jewish or Muslim or Christian or Buddhist, or, simply, "different" than the majority?  (We've been down THAT road a few times - all in the name of someone's God).  What then?  Where is your god?  Whose god is right in that case?  Do the gods go to war to decide such things?  Or do they sit back and laugh at the antics of the imbeciles who sit around dreaming this crap up?  Or, if the gods are us, does there EVER come a time when we wake up and take control of our own lives, and stop handing our power off to some megalomaniac on an imaginary throne in some fanciful idea of "heaven"?

God doesn't love you.  God doesn't give a damn.

And that's because you don't love yourself, and YOU don't give a damn about yourself.  Get it.  God is a reflection of YOU - so as long as you are acting like a hate-mongering, fear-driven, religion-controlled MORON, you are going to live in hate and fear and continue to be controlled.  Geee - simple!

Get.  Real.


If you honestly BELIEVE gay marriage threatens you, you really MUST stop and ask yourself WHY you believe that?  If you track it (if you have the courage to dig deep) you will find that it stems from a program someone put onto you when you weren't looking, when you weren't paying attention, when you were out fucking your neighbor's wife and lying to your mother - you know, when you were off breaking all of those 10 commandments you pretend to uphold.

Thou shalt not kill.  (How many have you killed by neglect, or through "human sacrifice"?)

Thou shalt not steal.  (How many have you oppressed in the name of your god, robbing them of their right to thrive, their right to love?)

Thou shalt not bear false witness. (Don't lie - for the unenlightend).  (How many lies have you passed along because you simply aren't thinking?  How many times have you said, "Jesus loves you," to a bum on the street, instead of giving him a goddamn dollar to put food in his belly?  How many times a day do you lie to YOURSELF to avoid having to...


Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Now this is a biggie!  God is a petty little dictator?  If he is The Almighty, The Great I-Am... then it seems to me that he wouldn't need to sit around dictating that his followers have to be true only to him. Sounds more like an abusive husband with one hand on the belt and the other on his dick.  Insecurity issues, perhaps?  Or, far more likely, is this the writing of a man, using the image of "God" to control an unruly population at a time in earth's history when cooperation was required by all, even if it meant lying and fear-mongering to get it?  We're no longer a global population of 500.  We are 6 billion strong - and seemingly 5.5 billion "weak-minded".  But let's face it... if your god is worried and jealous and fearful... he needs a shrink, not a bunch of zombie-eyed followers.  God is starting to sound like Chuck Manson far more than any benevolent leader I would want to follow.  But then again... I am one who prefers to...


The other danger is that this whole issue is not only about "gay rights".  It is about HUMAN rights.  Sooner or later, someone will step on YOUR pecker, but by then it will be too late. Maybe you will even be dumb enough to believe "It's God's will."  Depends on how deep your programming and comfort zones are imbedded.  It's up to you.  It always has been.  (Ah, but there I just broke the first commandment and proclaimed myself as God... and undoubtedly that outrages you and fills you with fear because somewhere, deep down inside, you know it's true.  You know YOU are God... but you're just too fucking scared to take responsibility for that, so you go on "believing" and having "faith" and "praying" and making human sacrifices).

How long before somebody tells you that you can't get married because you are pagan?  Because you are an atheist?  Because you don't intend to have children?  How long before some religious cult (yes, the Catholic church is the largest cult on Earth) tells you that you MUST have children, and if you can't, you should be put to death?  Where does it stop?  Where does the tyranny of religion end?  With YOU.  No place else.  Don't wait for someone else to do it for you.  Just...


If YOU don't think, who is going to do it for you?  Are you going to allow the church or the government to tell you who you are and what you believe?  Are you going to rely on some quasi-religious notion of having your soul yanked out of your Lexus at the time of the rapture, so that you, too, will go to met God face to face?  That makes LOTS of sense.

Christ. If you believe that, I feel sorry for you, because you have lost yourself to a cult.  Think about it.

Just fucking THINK.

Only then will you stop contributing to the ultimate sin - keeping someone else from thriving (especially yourself!).  Only then will you have some small hope of finding out who YOU are, instead of blindly following what others WANT you to be.  Only then will you stop committing human sacrifice.  And ONLY then will you be free of the tyranny of your god, your cult, and your programming.


The destruction of faith is the beginning of evolution.

Don't take my word for it.  Do it for yourself.

Thou art god: create yourself accordingly!

All material in this blog (essays, rants, images, poetry, et al) is copyright © by Della Van Hise, and may not be reprinted elsewhere without the prior written permission of the author.  Quantum ShamanTM  is a trademark of QuantumShaman.ComTM and reserves all rights 

gay marriage, rant

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