What is out of balance or happening spiritually to create auto immune antibodies in a body?
What must be considered carefully is the context of the question itself, which implies that something is "wrong" on a spiritual level when dis-ease occurs on a physical level. And while this may be true to a certain manner of looking, it is important to realize that the body itself is an organic structure, made of energy, but operating on a level of "heavy gravity" while it is in humanform manifestation. From that perspective - that the human body is energy in organic form - it is inevitable that the energy will be constantly seeking to return to its natural state (entropy), or to evolve into a more enduring manifestation of itself (evolution).
With regard to the specific manifestation of autoimmune disorders, it could be observed that the body receives the signal which is telling it that there is an invading organism which must be destroyed, yet in autoimmune disorders what is being perceived as an "intruder" is actually the body itself. The body turns on itself due to a signal from the brain/mind, and begins attacking its own immune system, which results in a breakdown of the organic structure. What must be questioned is why the body receives this signal in the first place - what is the mind/brain perceiving that causes it to perceive its own organic form as a threat?
In many cases, from a perspective of spirit, it could be observed that the mind/spirit recognizes that it is not really the nature of energy to remain in organic form, and so the organic form finds itself under attack - when another perspective would clearly reveal that the organic form is much like an egg in which consciousness gestates until such time as it is ready to move into the more enduring manifestation of itself (evolution of consciousness). Put more simply: the brain/mind perceives that the "eggshell" may be impeding evolution, and so the manifestation of autoimmune disorders MAY be in certain cases (not all), the result of energy attempting to free itself from organic form prematurely.
Please remember that it is impossible to make a blanket statement with regard to what may be spiritually out of balance in connection to autoimmune disorders, or any other type of dis-ease. While there is an interconnectedness of mind/body/spirit, it must also be observed that the nature of organic matter is to seek its own level - and that level is the essence of energy. Energy manifests matter in order to express and experience an aspect of self-creation, but because energy can never be created or destroyed but can only change form, it is essentially inevitable that the organic form will also experience the nature of its own deterioration. As above, so below.
With that said, it may also be noted that it is possible to choose another outcome. It is possible for the energy of consciousness to inhabit a (seemingly) humanform body, but a body that would technically be more comparable to a 3-dimensional hologram as opposed to a heavy gravity organic form. That is the nature of what some might call "physical immortals", yet to a seer, it would become obvious that the being is not physical at all, but merely an inorganic being projecting the appearance of an organic form for matters of its own agenda. In some cases, the awareness of one's own seemingly impending death may be sufficient motivation to manifest the intent/will required to make such a shift of energy - at which point the man of Knowledge may essentially become an inorganic being.
As humans are fond of saying, this is only the tip of the iceberg, of course. You must be immortal before you will know how to become immortal. That, too, is the nature of energy.
Orlando - Feb. 2007
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